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Problems running the ASP.NET examples

Applies to: Version 1.6 and later

Each specific virtual directory containing a Wintertree Spelling Server ASP.NET example must be configured as an application or the following message will be displayed by the ASP.NET framework when you attempt to run the example:

Configuration Error

It is an error to use a section registered as allowDefinition='MachineToApplication' beyond application level. This can be caused by a virtual directory not being configured as an application in IIS.

The solution is to configure the virtual directories containing the examples as applications. Instructions are given in the "Getting Started" section of the Wintertree Spelling Server user's guide.

On some systems, the ASP.NET example projects cannot be opened in Visual unless the projects are located in a subdirectory of the wwwroot directory. If you have problems opening the ASP.NET examples, try copying the example ASP.NET projects from \Program Files\Wintertree Spelling Server\examples\ to a subdirectory of wwwroot (usually located in Inetpub).

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